The EES in popular media: 2016
10 January 2017
The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (EES) research project was featured in a number of popular science articles throughout 2016. These articles are just part of the lively and constructive discussion surrounding the EES, which is an important part of advancing science. We are delighted with this attention, as is important that the scientific process and resulting findings are made available to non-specialist audiences and the general public in easily understandable terms.
Among the most widely distributed coverage were four articles on the need for an EES in popular online science magazines:
Scientists seek to update evolution
Carl Zimmer
Quanta Magazine, 22 November
(also featured in The Atlantic, 28 November)
The world’s top biologists have met to discuss whether we should update evolution
Fiona MacDonald
Science Alert, 28 November
Is it time for our understanding of evolution to evolve?
Patrick J Kiger
How Stuff Works, 13 December
Is there a role for intelligence in evolution?
Kevin Laland
Big Questions Online, 27 December
In addition, project leader Kevin Laland and local coordinator Richard Watson both authored articles in New Scientist:
Evolution evolves: Beyond the selfish gene
Kevin Laland, 21 September
Nature’s brain: A radical new view of evolution
Richard Watson, 22 March