ISEMPH Annual Meeting
1 March 2017
18-21 August 2017
The 2017 meeting of the International Society of Evolution, Medicine & Public Health will take place in Groningen in conjunction with the XVIth European Society for Evolutionary Biology Meeting. ISEMPH brings together scientists, teachers, clinicians, and students in the evolution and medicine community to share ideas and create new connections that will advance the field. This open meeting is designed to bridge the many different disciplines where relevant research takes place, including infectious disease, public health, genetics, anthropology, psychology, oncology, ecology, and veterinary medicine.
Location: Groningen, The Netherlands
Registration deadline: 1 July 2017
More information & registration: conference website
Organizers: Frank Rühli, Joe Alcock, Nicole Bender, Dan Blumstein, Michelle Blyth, Jacobus Boomsma, Detlev Ganten, Grazyna Jasienska, Joachim Kurtz, Jon Laman, Alejandra Nuñez de la Mora, Charlie Nunn, Robert Perlman & Gertjan van Dijk